
2024年3月5日—BitKillerisasupersimpleportablefileshredderprogram.Justaddspecificfilesandfolderstothequeue,ordraganddropthemthere,and ...,2013年1月29日—BitKillersecurelyshredsfilesanddirectories,removingthemcompletelyfromyourharddisk.Itcanquicklyandefficientlyoverwrite ...,,BitKillersecurelyshredsfilesanddirectories,removingthemcompletelyfromyourharddisk.Itcanquicklyandefficientlyoverwritefilesu...

31 Best Free File Shredder Software Programs

2024年3月5日 — BitKiller is a super simple portable file shredder program. Just add specific files and folders to the queue, or drag and drop them there, and ...


2013年1月29日 — BitKiller securely shreds files and directories, removing them completely from your hard disk. It can quickly and efficiently overwrite ...

BitKiller download

BitKiller securely shreds files and directories, removing them completely from your hard disk. It can quickly and efficiently overwrite files using anything ...

BitKiller Freeware Download and Review

BitKiller Free Download. Simple and straightforward file shredder. BitKiller is able to remove completely files and folders from computer and connected ...

BitKiller Offers DoD Standard Wiping Schemes

BitKiller is a minimalist file shredding utility. It offers a set of five sanitization methods and renames the files multiple times before ...

BitKiller Review

This is a very simple program, basically with no advanced option. You don't need and you don't have anything to set. Just select desired files (you can add ...

BitKiller Reviews

2014年12月28日 — BitKiller user reviews and ratings from real users, and learn the pros and cons of the BitKiller free open source software project.

Download BitKiller

As a conclusion, BitKiller proves to be a reliable application that comes bundled with powerful wiping algorithms for making sure your data is securely removed ...